Manor House Blue Bouquet
Manor House Blue Bouquet
Manor House Blue Bouquet
Manor House Blue Bouquet
Manor House Blue Bouquet
Manor House Blue Bouquet

Manor House Blue Bouquet


Everyone loves receiving flowers and this handpicked selection of incredibly realistic faux flowers makes the perfect gift which can be enjoyed time after time.

The blue hues in the globe thistles and blueberry stems provide a dramatic backdrop to the lighter tones found in the roses, peonies and hydrangea. This arrangement has a very textural, organic and unstructured feel with a smattering of incredibly realistic white spray astrantia. 

The Manor House Blue bouquet is handmade to order and comes beautifully gift wrapped and tied with ribbon. 

Approx overall size: w: 30cm x h 30cm

Also available to order in a larger size in our ‘new collection’ page.



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