Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet
Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet

Faux Silver and White Berry Bouquet


This is our 'Winter White' display which can carry you throughout the Winter months. We've used green foliage with a slight blue hue (to keep the design on the cool side of the colour spectrum) and used dark blue berry branches, snow-tipped cones and white berries for texture. 

Our bouquets are a quick and easy way to ensure you have the perfect combination of faux flowers and foliage. All you have to do is unwrap them and follow our simple 'how to' guide to arrange them in your favourite vase.

To give you greater flexibility on different vase options, we keep the stems long; some of these may be bent in order to pack them, but they can easily be straightened out or cut to the right size to suit your vase.

We've styled this arrangement in our medium ceramic vase (vase not include; see our vase section for more details). Approx. overall arrangement size: w: 55cm x h 60cm

If you require the arrangement to be pre-arranged and styled to a specific vase, please contact us for our bespoke hand-made service at info@areyoufleurreal.com 








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